
Rockwell Telecom Inc. holds:

  • an active seCOR (Small Employer Certificate of Recognition) health and safety system. This is a designation given by Alberta Human Resources and Employment.
  • an active membership with ISNetworld, ComplyWorks, CQN Advantage and Cognibox.
  • a CORNING NPI (Network of Preferred Installers) Partnership agreement which ensures our installers and designers are trained by Corning Cable Systems (fiber optic manufacturer) and enables us to offer an extended warranty of 25 years for our installations that meet Corning’s design requirements. For more information visit
  • a BELDEN CSV (Certified System Vendor ) Partnership agreement with Belden IBDN, (formerly Northern Telecom Cable & NORDX) ensuring our installers and designers are trained by Belden and enables us to offer an extended warranty of 25 years for our installations that meet Belden’s requirements. For more information visit Belden/CDT
  • employs Journeyman and Apprentice Communication Electricians, Communication Technicians, Communication Linemen and promotes and sponsors the Alberta Apprenticeship Program. For more information on this trade visit
  • employs an RCDD (Registered Communications Distribution Designer). RCDD is a designation given by BICSI which is an international organization focused on creating and maintaining Telecom Industry Standards and formal legislation throughout the world. For more information visit
  • employs a C.E.T (Certified Engineering Technologist) in the field of Telecommunications Engineering Technology. CET is a nationally recognized designation given by A.S.E.T (The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta) and ensures professionalism and good business ethics in all proprietary tendering contract terms. For more information on ASET and CET, visit

Please contact us for a complete list of our credentials.
(780) 826-0435